Hague rules brought a balance between shipper-carrier agreement. Before these rules the contract of carriage used to be in favour of the party that had the edge in the shipping market.
But there were few weaknesses in the Hague rules. To address these weaknesses, more modernised version of Hague rules were introduced.
These rules were called “Hague Visby rule“.
Hague and Hague Visby rules are often compared. This infographic draws a comparison between these two rules used in contract of carriage.
Even though there have been more moderanised rules for contract of carriage such as Hamburg rules and Rotterdam rules, Hague Visby rules are here to stay.
The Hague rules are slightly in favor of shippers. The Hague Visby rules are considered to have an advantage to the carrier compared to the Hague rules.
The ship owning countries have ratified the Hague-Visby rules. Where as the shipper prominent countries like Malaysia has not ratified the Hague visby rules and are happy with Hague rules.
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About Capt Rajeev Jassal
Capt. Rajeev Jassal has sailed for over 24 years mainly on crude oil, product and chemical tankers. He holds MBA in shipping & Logistics degree from London. He has done extensive research on quantitatively measuring Safety culture onboard and safety climate ashore which he believes is the most important element for safer shipping.
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Sir,under scope of application what is contracting state?please clarify and under same scope for Hague rules can you please elaborate a bit about 3rd point I.e " if it is agreed in the contract of carriage" ?TIA

Very helpful article..Is there an article related to Hamburg rules

Sir pls explain first point ,reg contracting gvmt issuing bill of lading in case of Hague and hauge Visby...tks

What voyages are covered by the Hague-visby Rules?

Nice Blog sir....it will better if you will write a blog in comparing all four hague , hague visby , hamburg and rotterdam rules ....

Comment I am a marine student in Port and shipping administration (psad) HND level in Sierra Leone. I need helping hands in academic synergy of marine course and training. thanks .
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hague visby is applicable for tankers also??
Hague as well as Hague visby rules are applicable to bill of ladings and not to a particular vessel type. But as at the time of Hague rules, container cargo was rare, it had not taken into account bill of ladings covering container cargoes. Hague Visby rules incorporated this shortcoming in Hague rules.